Worship times
9:00 am | Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall
10:30 am | Fellowship Hall
5:30 pm | Sanctuary
Signed in as:
9:00 am | Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall
10:30 am | Fellowship Hall
5:30 pm | Sanctuary
Welcome to Calvary. We hope your visit to our website tells you a little more about who we are and who we believe we are called by God to be.
Siblings in Christ,
The Call Committee is asking your help to deepen the pool of possible candidates for the Lead Pastor position at Calvary. They are asking you to lift up the names of ELCA Pastors you know who might have gifts to lead this congregation. You only need to provide their name, the congregation where they are currently serving, and a little bit about how you know of them. Please do not contact the pastor(s) you are nominating. The Office of the Bishop Staff will contact those nominated and inquire about their interest in moving forward in the call process with Calvary.
Congregation members will have 2 weeks to submit names. Please submit any nomination forms to the Church Office, Attn: Call Committee before Friday, Feb. 28, 2025. Thank you! Please pray for the work of the Call Committee as they set about the task of seeking your next Lead Pastor.
Peace and Blessings,
Pr. Jared Carson
Intentional Interim Pastor
The Transition Team has completed their work! Calvary is moving forward toward calling its next Lead Pastor. Please help me thank the Transition Team (Tony Schroeder, Lori Kehrwald, Priscilla Marto, and Rachel Honl) for their work! They have offered an online survey and several listening sessions in the last 6 months and they have drafted and finalized the Ministry Site Profile (MSP). The MSP can be thought of as an introduction to Calvary Lutheran for candidates who might be the next Lead Pastor. An MSP can never say everything about a congregation, but it gives a solid introduction and overview of the congregation.
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If you’d like to join us as we collectively stretch our faith, you can take part by giving online below.
Calvary Lutheran Church 1405 S. 9th St. Grand Forks, ND 58201 US
(701) 772-4897 place4u@calvarygf.org Worship Times Sunday 9 am Traditional & Contemporary Sunday 10:30 am Contemporary Wednesday Service 5:30 pm
Open today | 08:00 am – 04:30 pm |